Mental Health Awarness - Need of an hour

I am writing this blog for everyone who relate them with some situations, they felt they trapped in some point in life  and took bit prologed time to get out of that Wierd feeling.I disagree with anyone who say that the prolonged time which a person takes to cope up ths situation is "Wired" you are probablly judging too much or someone might be much interested in other situation. But the matter of the fact is these set of people are more "Sensitive", I can say they are someone who really dont want to loose realtionships, they get sacred to imagine their life witiout them, they get insecure of things ,they become like ship without direction looking for radar signals for thier survival, these people take care of others then themselves , do everything to makeup things over all . But overall the confidence which they loose after loosing stuiation from thier part stops thier life .
                            About 14% of the global burden of disease is attributed to Neuropsychiatric disoders.The burden of mental disorders is likely to have been underesrimated and discussing this topic in public is still a Taboo. Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population ,46% of teenagers and 13% of children each year.People strugglling with their mental health may be in our own family,live next door,work in the next cubicle or sit in the same church near you.However,only half of those affected recieve treatment,often due to the stigma attached by society to mental health. If untreated , mental illness can contribute to high medical expenses, poor performance at work and school,fewer employment opportunities and increased risk of suicide.

What Exactly is a Mental illness

A mental illness is Physical illness of the Brain that causes disturbances in thinking ,behaviour , energy or emotion which makes its difficult to cope up with the small situations and cenarios .Through regarous Research we have started the complcated cause of mental disorders like genitics, Brain Chemistry, Brain structure,experiencing trauma or other disease like Heart disease.The two most common mental conditions which people in maximum of the cases are suffering from :

Anxiety Disorders- More then 18% of the adult population is suffering with some sort of anxiety disorders like Post traumatic stress disorder , Obsessive compulsive disorder , Panic disorders and specific Phobias.

Mood Disorders - mood disorders such as Depression, Bipolar disorder nearly 10% of the total population is suffering from eiether of the disorders only the intensity is differrent as per the situations they are in and when they are left untreated it becomes in their habbit which they cant help and so in this case family and friends can help.

                      Progress in mental health awarness in developing countries are too slow in low and middle income counties.Lot of barriers inculded in  existing public health i.e : priorities of crowd,Challenges to impart healthcare awarness and treatment in primary care setups, Bringing it over notice of crowd that even a state of regular diziness, headaches and mood swings can be an initial stage of Depression.Mental health awarness campaigns have yielded positive resopnse.Some of the strategies should be made to target awareness and address stigma around mental illness inculde partocipation by family members,sensitization to treatment and social taboo . Lack of knowledge about the mental ilnesses,the challenge to the mental health care delivery system.Community based system in treating and yielded positive results in creating awareness,thereby impacting participation.
The WHO has defined sustainable development goals and elaborated the impact of mental illnesses and sucide on them.Rate of sucide rate in India in 2015 at 15.7 is higher than the global average of 10.6 among the age of 15-29 in India . One of the major reasons of such wide treatment gap is the problem of inadequate resources and lack of infrastructure as well.

Map for Mental Health Awarness :

For the large Indian  Population to be involved in its own mental health, Only way forward is through enhancing mental health  which will generate its own demand.With rising awareness , it can be expected that early recognition and access to treatment will follow ,as will the adoption of preventive measures.A joint effort of the whole society should be giving in dealing with this critical situation by means of below listed to ease the burden of people who are suffering :

  • Media
  • Govt Programs
  • Educational system
  • CSR-Corporate social responsibility
  • Internet,Social media,Cellphones
  • Free Mental health Assesment

Ways to Improve Mental Health :

Someone asked me in my workplace the question, How imp is to look after your mental health? I withouh a dought said VERY ,because it is very much important the way we value ourselves,the way you think about yourself and how happy you are as a person as it effects every aspects of your life.

Below listed are some top listed reserched Tips to help you fighting this mental health :

  • Ensure you have a good work/life balance. Make sure you go home from work on time and do not spend all your time working.
  • Take control and be clear with yourself and others about your responsibilities and expectations at home and at work.
  • Exercise to help release hormones such as endorphins which make you feel good. For example, you could to go for a walk at lunchtime.
  • Eat and drink healthy. Find a balance that works for you and stick to it.Eating dark choclate, oily fish,coconut and having organic green tea releases stess level and make you mood swings stable.
  • Communicate and connect with others. A problem shared is a problem halved.
  • Work smarter but not harder. Work on time management and strategies to help you to be more efficient. Try setting targets and sticking to them.
  • Be positive. At the end of each day think of three things that have been good and worked for you or for which you have been grateful.
  • Accept things you cannot change and work on those you can. This will help you to concentrate on the things you do have control over.
  • Challenge yourself. Take up a new hobby or past time or do some studying. Set yourself a small but achievable goal.
  • Have some quality ’me’ time. Find some time for yourself every day, this could be reading a book or going for a walk.
  • The most important tip is Telling someone the way you feel let it be a friend, family or a counsellor if needed. so u dont have to stay quite and over think over a topic or an issue you have been facing for a while, Just say it.

  •                           The time have come to take a progressive move towards the mental health we all have been facing for long time only thing is over issues are different .But my folks and friends it is not impossible without your approach , so dont think to much if you feel sharing it with someone start talking about it and find a resultant for your problems.With a positive thought i would like to conclude that "Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf."so my friends still the things are in your hands so try choose best for yourself, as You are the maker of your own life. 

                                                                                                                  By : RIA PANI


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