Mental Health Awarness - Need of an hour

I am writing this blog for everyone who relate them with some situations, they felt they trapped in some point in life and took bit prologed time to get out of that Wierd feeling.I disagree with anyone who say that the prolonged time which a person takes to cope up ths situation is "Wired" you are probablly judging too much or someone might be much interested in other situation. But the matter of the fact is these set of people are more "Sensitive" , I can say they are someone who really dont want to loose realtionships, they get sacred to imagine their life witiout them, they get insecure of things ,they become like ship without direction looking for radar signals for thier survival, these people take care of others then themselves , do everything to makeup things over all . But overall the confidence which they loose after loosing stuiation from thier part stops thier life . Abou...