FOOD ADULTERATION- An Alarming Situation
Are we exactly keeping a check on what are we eating ? if your answer is YES you are on right direction ladies and gentlemen keep doing more research Good luck with that,and if your answer is NO its not your fault you trust a lot probably "Happy Soul" i can tag you because i was the same before ,Since i am a kinda curious person while i was reading an article about how fish is being adulterated with carcinogenic chemicals like Formaldehyde and the excess usage of Ammonia to keep the fish fresh,from that day onward I do keep a check on what am i eating on daily basis. According to recent report Food Adulteration in India starts from fields itself excess usage of Fertilisers and Pesticides, therefore one kind of contaminant is present in all food range in a very high level of pesticide residues.But pesticide residue is not the only problem, the alarming situation is everyday routine stuff is getting adulterated which is a dangerous ,Here...